Teaching Children to Think

A free app for middle-schoolers to build critical thinking and problem solving skills in science.

Made by teachers, with these principles in mind


Our courses are designed around topics and concepts taught in a typical Indian middle-school curriculum.

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Engaging short films based around real daily household interactions, rather than monologue lectures.


Interactive Problems

Learners solve problems by chatting with a chatbot, rather than answering traditional exam style questions.


Guided Learning

Learners are always guided to the correct answer, but never just given the correct answer.

12 courses (so far)

1000+ problems

100+ videos

3500+ learners


Kavitha, parent of a 6th grader

My son has learned a lot from the app and the challenges. Many times these days I'm surprised to see his reasoning skills and logical thinking. 
Hats off to you guys once again!

Dr. P Umabala, parent of a 6th grader

A special offering, ideal for those who want their children to understand and love science/maths, develop a curious mind and not learn by rote.

Sudeshna, parent of an 8th grader

I am a science student myself, but this way of learning is more interesting and challenging. Learning has become fun and my children are eager to know and explore new things.

Our Motivation

An education system that often rewards rote learning goes against a strong understanding of concepts, and inhibits the development of critical thinking & problem solving skills.

This is really unfortunate, because these very qualities will be necessary for today’s children looking for fulfilling careers in the years to come.

We are a passionate team of people who want to help nurture and build thinking and problem solving skills, early enough that they become ingrained forever. The Madam Curious app is the result of building, rebuilding and refining the content and its delivery mechanism based on lots of feedback from educators and early users.

There are several excellent learning resources available online, but they are either too fragmented (such as educational YouTube channels and videos), too “extracurricular” (difficult to fit into an academic routine that leaves very little time after school and tuitions) or have a different objective (such as school syllabus coverage). Madam Curious aims to be a curated, guided experience based around the same concepts taught in school (thus reducing information overload), with a laser-like focus on reasoning ability.



Vivek Dadu

IIIT - Allahabad, ex-Microsoft, teacher by passion


Saumya Kanoria

Cornell University, U of Illinois Urbana Champaign, computer scientist, entrepreneur


S K Amarnath

Jawahar Navodaya VIdyalaya, NIT - Karnataka, computer scientist, software architect